As I gear up to bike 400 miles to Montreal to support the Boston Cyclists Union, here's the latest twist in the effort to make crash-prone Boylston Street safe for all users.
After nearly two years of intensive planning and public engagement, the Boston Department of Public Works announced that construction is finally about to begin on changes to Boylston street. This includes adding a dedicated bus lane, a protected bike lane, and various updates to sidewalks and curbs to make loading and unloading easier.
The construction plans are now finalized, and work is slated to begin any day now.
These announcements were met with a new round of opposition from some businesses and residents, including City Councilor Ed Flynn, who said on X that he is calling for a pause to the plan. He stated, “It’s important to allow residents, businesses and first responders an opportunity to be heard” and expressed concerns that “These changes will delay response time for our first responders”.
I have no problem with ongoing conversation and debate about bike lanes—these are, after all, highly disruptive projects that will indeed have impacts—some positive, some negative--on everyone who uses our streets. But it is perplexing to hear Councilor Flynn call for more input when, for the last 20 months, the city has been constantly reaching out to these residents and businesses specifically to listen to them. Public Works has made significant changes to the bike lane proposal in response.
To set the record straight and to refresh our memories, here’s the Boylston Street bike lane timeline:
Sept 6, 2022: Boylston street bike lane project first announced at a press conference by Michelle Wu.
Winter 2022: Postcards describing the plan were sent to affected business owners and residents. A series of virtual office hours were held to gain feedback and answer questions.
Sping/summer 2023: Additional events were held around Back bay, including more virtual office hours, and more direct outreach to business owners to seek their input.
June 16, 2023: WBZ news covers Back Bay Residents Association concerns, interviewing Elliott Laffe, who worries about biker safety at the intersection of Berkely and Beacon, where the current plan routes the bike lane directly across Beacon at a heavily trafficked spot.
June 29, 2023: The city hosts a drop-in session at the intersection of Berkeley and Beacon to engage with residents and business owners to better understand their concerns.
May 2, 2024: At a virtual public meeting, the Department of Public Works provides an update on the timeline for construction of the Boylston bike lane and other projects. They announce several major change to the plan to address concerns of the residents and businesses, including rerouting the bike lane on Berkeley so that it crosses Beacon at a less dangerous spot.
May 2024: More news coverage of Back Bay businesses and residents opposing the bike lane, claiming that the city did not listen to their concerns.
May 20,2024: Council Member Ed Flynn requests a delay on X, alluding to first responders being impeded by bike lanes; Mayor Wu’s office clarified that the new dedicated bus lanes on Boylston will be available to all first responders.
Sometimes a delay makes sense—why rush projects that have such a large impact on the community? But in this case councilor Flynn’s request rings hollow, since the City has already hashed and rehashed its plans with the affected businesses and residents and has responded to their concerns. It’s time to move on and to create a Boylston Steet that is safe and pleasant for all users, whether bikers, pedestrians, or motorists.